Talk #8: Tactile Internet

Tactile Internet in Surgery – a Surgeon’s Perspective

Thursday, 14.09.2023, 9:30 – 10:30
Barkausen-Bau BAR/SCHÖ/E

by Martin Wagner

Martin Wagner is an attending surgeon of visceral surgery and full professor of AI-based assistance systems in surgery at University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus and the Cluster of Excellence Centre for Tactile Internet with Human in the loop (CeTI) at Technische Universität Dresden. With his interdisciplinary research group and cooperation partner in academia and industry, he aims at bringing new technologies into the operating room to assist the surgical team and improve surgical treatment for patients with cancer. This includes research on co-operation with cognitive surgical robots by means of multi-sensor-environments, task-automation, mixed reality, and tactile internet, as well as the measurement of surgical quality in cancer surgery by means of Surgomics and improvement of that quality by means of personalized process assistance.


Just as today’s internet democratized the access to information, the next generation “tactile internet” will democratize access to skills. Especially in surgery the tactile internet promises to accelerate skill acquisition, to automatically measure treatment quality and to improve treatment quality by remotely disseminating skills of experts. However, in order to realize these promises different technologies have to be integrated and especially machine learning and artificial intelligence will play a crucial role. In this talk I will give an overview of aims, challenges, and our solutions from a surgeon’s perspective. A special focus will be the close cooperation between engineers and surgeons that is necessary to improve patient care.